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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

12th July 2019
Windsurfing: Orford Lighthouse
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Stength: 10/15
Surf / Sea State: smooth
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: mainly cloudy with light showers
Max Speed: 18.87 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 20.12 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Friday 12th – Windsurf ***** The Dip, Felixstowe to Orford lighthouse – mainly cloudy with light showers.

Fin – 18.87 knot max., 16.07 knot ave., 9.91 knot hour, 9.91 knot mile, 37.3 km., 3.67 knot alpha.

Fanatic Cat with Tushingham Lightning 9.4 and 39 fin.

Another nice start to the day here in Felixstowe, exercises in the garden and with Mag visiting a friend I checked Landguard weater station and found a NW breeze strong enough for some longboard cruising. NW is dead offshore making it ideal but always difficult to choose your sail size as the wind is very light on the beach? I nearly rigged 8.5 but went for 9.4 in the end and wobbled off the beach at 1.15 with no destination planed but with my rucksack with a snack, drink, spare uj, harness line, camera, rescue beacon and gps:) I ran a 100m off the beach, found a little wind and turned up the coast towards Bawdsey. There is a good section of smooth water here where the wind funnels out of the Deben which would be really good for foiling in this direction, perhaps I will try it next time. As I headed towards East Lane Martello the wind increased so I decided to continue on to Orford Island lighthouse, a trip I have done twice before in offshore winds:) Once past Bawdsey cliffs the winds increases across Shingle Street bay and you could nicely get into the beating straps as I beat the 11 miles to the lighthouse on Orford Island. With dark clouds appearing the lighthouse disappeared from view from time to time and I only saw two yachts out on the water today. I always seems to take ages to actually make it to the lighthouse, not helped by the wind going a bit patchy which actually pushed me a little out to sea and I had to do a few tacks to land a near the lighthouse which is now dangerously cross to the waters edge! I had it all to myself as I had my snack and walked up to the lighthouse to take a few pics:) Refreshed it was time to set off back again a beat with three quarter plate. The best part was again across Shingle Street but there was enough wind to comfortably sail back including a brief shower! So a 5 star session being out three hours covering 22 miles, a great trip:)

Photo Gallery Here

Orford Lighthouse here

Toys Used:
Fanatic Mega Cat 380 III 380
Tushingham Lightning 9.4
Mystic Yourizoon Shortie xl



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